
sreda, 1. oktober 2008

Reading books in less fun then watching TV

Form generation to generation lifestyles are different along with the human population. Today's youth spends most of the time in front of TV instead of picking up a book from time to time. Is once very admired, prevailing and approved literature being neglected? There are various reasons as to why books are losing their power and authority.

If you want to sell many products, the best way to do it is through advertising. All you need is a great, colourful, influential, effective text, a picture of the product and a reasonable price. In every newspaper, magazine, in every advertisement and notice board, nowdays, you can see a TV. No wonder so many are sold every single day. It is true that it is recommended to travel with time, so you do not look like a caveman. But still, is that the reason why most people do not even want to take a look at books or simply let alone reading them? Luckily, in schools we are given tasks to read, but still many of them stay dusty, lying on some looks like abandoned bookshelfs. I can tell from my own experience that a lot of pupils do not read them. They just »write« the report that has to be written. By »write« i mean »copy«.

I can say I understand why watching TV is more fun. It is easier to watch than read because visual impulses are processed faster. When you read it is extremely important to focus on what you read. To get a picture in your brain, letters have to be translated and the process takes longer.

However, many books are about real events from the past, the author gives his or her opinion and with it he teaches the reader something new. Crime an Punishment, for instance. Dostoevsky explains to us you cannot commit a crime without feeling guilty. No human is strong enough to bear such a heavy burden. On the other hand, TV is used to relax. It will never teach you anything new, unless you watch Discovery Channel. There is a rumour saying: »TV lies!«, and that is true. Furthermore, I am sure, dear reader, you have seen some action movies showing main actors performing stunning stunts. In real life these are impossible. Instead of filling your brain with unreal and impossible, you should rather take a book in to your hands.

All in all, I am not saying you must read literature, I just heartily recommend it because if you intend to be part of »high society«, you will certainly need that knowledge. What is more fun is up to you, dear reader. You can either become »dummy« or a well educated person, but I think books are funnier only if they are comedies. I would rather say reading literature is more intelectual and interesting.

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