
torek, 24. avgust 2010

Poezija - Oda srcu

O, sŕce,
Prečudovito in mišičasto srce!
Ti, ki si lokalizirano
Levo in desno
Od desnega in levega pulma
V inferiornem delu
Anteriornega mediastinuma.
Ti, ki stojiš tik za sterno,
Tretjina desno, ostalo levo
Od centralne, medialne ravnine.
Ti, ki imaš obliko stožca,
Ti, čigar os je premica poševna
Od desno zadaj zgoraj,
Proti levo spredaj spodaj.
Pod kotom petdesetih gradianov
Štrliš v vse smeri.
Ti, čigar velikost in lega
Je neodvisna od človeka,
A odvisno od četrte dimenzije
In kolikor dopušča diafragme dimenzija.
Ti, štirisobno stanovanje,
Predstavljaš prenočišče,
Ne domovanje.
V vežo levo vstopi kava,
V rojalni veličini izlije svoja čustva;
V vežo desno primaršira
Komunistična partíja.
Tja dostavijo jih štirje
Pljučni Volkswagni.
Ko srp in žezlo ogledata si vežo,
Okupirata vsak si svojo hišo.
O, sŕce moje!
Ne pusti se ogrožati
In varuj, kar ti je pripadati.
Bori se za svoj obstoj!

Poezija - A Feeling

In front the blackboard
She was standing
Her gluteal chicks
Were fix and tight
When they were high
I was higher
And before I make another go
I'll dring a liter of konjak
To dance around those dandy lines.

četrtek, 6. maj 2010

Poezija - Distress

sometimes all I need is peace and quiet
and all I need is a place for me and my sorrow
to have a little conversation
a place where schmuel was set on corss
on a highest peek
closer to the universe
higher on the food chain
above all of us
I need a place to clear my thoughts
a place near ficus
below and hidden in his shade
a place where nehemiah gives me knowledge...

Poezija - Pleura

O, ho! pleura
preljuba in predraga pleura
ti, ki pokrivaš moji pulmi
po vsej svoji veličanski površini

petek, 12. februar 2010

Poezija - We are left to ourselves

We are left to ourselves
To our consciousness itself.
Left alone in the dark
We are trying for something
That's already found us.
We can't go on this way
But there's nothing left to do
Other than despair.
The leafs are bloody black
Falling and falling down
And being flushed by the stream.
Devouring consciousness and
It's digesting power
Are overwhelming the lost minds
Of the few.
We've tried and tried
So hard we can't remember
How hard we've tried.
Virginity is no longer quality
Death surrounds us
But it cannot take us.
We're immortal and yet we cease to be
The current takes us with
Through the garden, through the gate
To the other side and yet
We try to resist and destroy the system.
It has no meaning and
Makes no sense
Why choose to live,
If we can choose not to?